Previous: "Cold Hard Toenails" | Next: "Chip Off the Old Beast" |
[It all started at the Auditorium.]
Gromble: And next, with the hands like this, they touch fingertips and form a blob.
Ickis: Did you say blob, sir?
Gromble: Yes. Blob.
Ickis: That's after the fingertip thing.
Oblina: Ickis, please.
Gromble: Yes. After the tips! 30 Days later the blob shakes The bonsty pops out, And that's it. Master ickis, How inquisitive you are today. It is so annoying!
Ickis: Just one thing sir. How do you keep from laughing?
[all laugh]
Oblina: I do not know him.
Krumm: I do. He's Ickis.
Ickis: So you put your elbow on your knee like this. Your thumb on your nose and wave your hands like-
Female: How dare you!
Ickis: What just happened?
Oblina: You are so naive. I have never been so embarrassed in all my life!
Ickis: Well excuse me, miss know it all.
Oblina: All I'm saying is...
Ickis: I'm just curious here. How do you know So much about blobs?
Oblina: There are things I know a lot about. Blobs are one of them!
Bulletin Board Monster: Did someone Mention blobs? I have A blobsitting opportunity For an ambitious young monster.
Oblina: Actually, I have a lot of homework, And I'm not sure...
Ickis: I knew you back out.
Krumm: So much for knowing about blobs.
Oblina: Yes. I would be very interested In blobsitting.
Bulletin Board Monster: Take a gander Down yonder to your left. No, that's too far. Below the one For the antique plunger.
Oblina: [reads words] Young couple desires a responsible monster so blobsit their precious for seven days. no no six no five somebody quick please.
Ickis: Appearances are Very important Slovenly is good But never come Off as careless. Remember, they are Entrusting you With theirPrecious blob.
Oblina: Ickis, dear. I am much More experienced than-
Ickis: I was trying to help little Miss edgy know-everything But if you don't want it.
[A knock is heard.]
Oblina: THAT"S THEM!
Krumm: If no ones gonna get it.
[Krumm opens the door.]
Twarp: Oh please, tell me you're not Oblina.
Krumm: I'm not Oblina.
Oblina: Hello, I'm Oblina.
Twarp: Thank goodness. This place is perfect.
Clarp: Yeah. nothing Of value at all. I'm klarp, this is twarp, And this is our precious blarp.
Oblina: That is the ugliest blob I ever seen.
Twarp: Thank you. Have you ever blobsat before?
Oblina: Oh yes. Many times. My neighbors at home always Brought their blobs to me. I know everything there is To know about blobs.
Clarp: Do you have any references?
Oblina: Do you know the flubungers? Too bad, they loved me. What do you think?
Twarp: Well Clarp what do you think?
Clarp: Gee, twarp, I think We've got ourselves A blobsitter. Oblina, we'll pick little blarp Up in exactly 25 hours And 12 minutes.
Twarp: And please be careful. He's our little precious
Oblina: Never fear. He is in good hands.
Clarp: Aren't you forgetting something?
Oblina:[gasp] The curl is still attached!
Both: Let me see!
Twarp: Later. when we ge Little blarp back Safe and sound.
Clarp: Bye, little Blarpie.
Oblina: Toodle ee loo.
Ickis: Have a good time.
Krumm: See you later. Don't worry about anything,
[Later on, everyone is in bed.]
Oblina: Thank you for talking me into this, Ickis. This are going to be the easiest toenails I have ever earned.
[She goes to sleep. Unknown to her, the basket started to shake.]
Krumm: You better be careful, Oblina. You just hit the Blob's basket.
Oblina: I did not.
Krumm: Then why is it shaking like that?
Oblina: It's... It's shaking because...Oh no. OH NO!!!
[The egg starts moving around as the monsters tried to catch it. After one scuffle over the egg, it hatches.]
Oblina: Ickis, boil me some skankum. Hurry.
Ickis: Here's your bowl of skankum. Don't know what you wanted for.
Oblina: For energy. I'll need it if I have to Watch this toddler.
Krumm: That brat bit me. Try that again and I'll...
Oblina: He is probably just fanging.
Ickis: Yeah he's just a little bonstie poo.
Krumm: Well he's more dangerous than a human.
Oblina: Stop it. I will not have you talking dirty in from to for this sweet hel-
[Bonstie bites her.]
Oblina: OW! Why you little.... We should give him something to chew.
Ickis: Try this nice rusty sewer pipe.
Oblina: How extraordinary. Strange, I wonder why he is so hungry?
Ickis: I thought you knew everything about blobs.
Oblina: I do! I do! but I'll go To the library and brush up In case there's Anything I forgot.
Ickis: I'll go you stay. You're the professional blobsitter.
Krumm: Kids go potensal.
Library Monster: You say it ate the stool?
Ickis: In one bite.
Library Monster: Here it is. You're dealing with a hoodchuck
Ickis: A woodchuck?
Library Monster: Sorry. Oh, a chainsaw.
Ickis: A chainsaw?
Library Monster: Wrong again. You' big trouble.
Ickis: Tell me something I don't know.
Library Monster: Uh "run for cover For the first 24 hours. This species eats everything In sight."
Ickis: Everything?!
Library Monster: They prefur to eat other monsters but...
Ickis: Terrific! This is all Oblina's fault. Some blobsitter!
Library Monster: Oh.. One of these days I'm gonna make things right.
Ickis: Oblina! Krumm! Oh no. Where are Oblina and Krumm. [weeping] You little brat, you ate my best friends.
Krumm: You looking for us?
Ickis: AH! Where were you?
Oblina: Trying to avoid...
Krumm:...the hungry one.
Ickis: So you see when sees the three of us, he's thinking breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Krumm: I wanna be dinner.
Oblina: Chaps, I have A confession to make.
Ickis: I know. You never blobsat before.
Oblina: How'd you know?
Krumm: You don't know sqat about blobs.
Oblina: Okay. The truth is out. Now we have to band together. We've got fifteen hours Until this bonsty's Parents show up.
Krumm: That's noon tomorrow.
Oblina: If we each take A five-hour shift, We can do it. What do you say?
Ickis: I sure could use some one of those toenails.
Krumm: Me too.
Oblina: Wait a minute. Who said anything about toenails.
Ickis: I'm out of here.
Krumm: With you buddy.
Oblina: Okay okay. We'll split it evenly.
Ickis: Sucker.
Krumm: We would Have helped You anyway.
Ickis: All for one and one for all.
Krumm: Buddies till the end.
Oblina: Now, who wants The first shift?
Both: Not me.
Oblina: You're Yellow.
Ickis: Yellow? I'm not yellow, I'm mageetna!
[They argue]
Krumm: Hey!
Oblina: OH MY! Krumm! Krumm! Ickis, wake up! Krumm fell asleep in his shift.
Ickis: He what?!
Oblina: Time is almost up. That must be them.
Gromble: Hello. What fascinating activity Prevented you From attending my class?
Ickis: We can explain.
Gromble: Oh, I'm sure you can. In fact you'd better.
Oblina: I am afraid it's all my fault. You see...
Gromble: Oh it's a little bonsty. How cute! He looks so young. But you wouldn't be so foolish As to bring a bonsty in here If he was less than a day old. It would be a disaster. Icky, picky putrid.
[They tried to get the Gromble out of the bonstie's mouth.]
Twarp: Blarp. Spit that out now!
Oblina: Oh dear. Hello there.
Ickis: Are you alright. He looks like the dogs dinner.
Krumm: I don't like dog dinner.
Twarp: My little precious he was no trouble I hope.
Oblina: No, no trouble at all. Then he turn into a bonstie.
Clarp: You said you blobsat before. You knew All about blobs.
Oblina: I am a child. I exaggerate.
Twarp: Enough chitchat, Clarp. Everyone seems to be alright, And we've got to ge Our precious home. Thank you. Here are Your toenails. Ready Klarp?
Clarp: Ready, Twarp.
Twarp: Here we go Blarp.
Gromble: Where am I?
Ickis: In our simple But beautifully decorated room. You were swallowed,
But the danger's over.
Krumm: We saved your life.
Gromble: Yes I remember. How shall I ever thank you?
Ickis: Pretty soon we're all going To be experts on blobs. Just like you, Oblina.