Previous: "Mother, May I" | Next: "Joined at the Hip" |
[The episode starts.]
Gromble: Now if you ganglers stankers will all take out your sacs, we can start today's breathing lessons.
[They take out their Sacs.]
Gromble: Excellent. Now fill them.
[The monsters blow their sacs into a balloon.}
Gromble: And swallow.
[They gulp the sac into their bodies.]
Gromble: Superb! Now someone refresh me why do we do this. Yes?
Snill: We do this because with a full sack of the life giving garbage air, we can survive in the harsh oxygen rich human environment up to 48 hours.
Gromble: Oh, good answer, Snill.
Snill: Thank you, sir. And may I say-
Gromble: But what do you do if you going above ground for 4 days or 5? Ickis!
Ickis: Come home early?
[all the students laugh]
Oblina: Told ya.
Gromble: I'm going to show you festering wounds A way to double your Above ground breathing time. So pay close attention! Grow.
Ickis: Grow?
Gromble: Grow! Some of you may better at growing but fear not You'll learn or I'll teach you.
[Ickis was completely grown in size as his sac was filled in.}
Ickis: Nhggg... Now what?
Gromble: Now swallow.
[Ickis slowly grabs his bag until his body was swollen like a balloon.]
Gromble: Excellent, excellent. Now shrink back down your body will compress your sac to hold the extra air.
Ickis: I don't think I can.
Gromble: Nonsense. You're body will close around the sack. It just takes A little getting used to.
[Ickis tries but he deflates like a balloon. All monsters laugh at this.]
Gromble: Work on it.
Ickis: Work on it, Work on it? Sure. I will work on it. Oof! I'm having a bad day.
[Bites. Pugh yelps.]
Pugh: Kid, you're either nuts or a lot tougher than you look.
Ickis: Oh, yeah? Will either way, you lose!
Pugh: What's your name?
Ickis: Ickis!
Pugh: I like you, Ickis.
Ickis: You do?
All: He does?
Pugh: I knock you down you can right back at me. That took guts. a lts of monsters Would have kept on walking.
Ickis: Yeah? Well, not this monster. You trip this little guy And you better Be ready to--
Pugh: Don't get carried away.
Ickis: Right.
Pugh: I'm Pugh.
Ickis: Do you go to the academy?
[all laugh]
Pugh: The academy? Why would I waste my time in there? Bunch of snotty losers. Think they're so scary.
Ickis: Tell me about it.
Pugh: You should be more careful. You stepped on my toe.
Snill: You're so right. What was I thinking. You are dir and I'm no better than fresh foliage.
Pugh: That's the spirit!
Snill: Okay. Have a lice day.
Ickis: That'll show you to laugh at me.
Pugh: That piece of flunge Laughed at you?
Ickis: I messed up In front of the whole class And they all though It was so funny.
Pugh: Who needs that?
Ickis: Yeah, who needs that?
Oblina: One more pump and swallow!
Krumm: That wasn't too bad. I like the old way better.
Oblina: Ickis, where have you been?
Ickis: What do you care?
Oblina: Ickis, we're so sorry we all laugh. [takes out her sac] Why don't you try practicing filling your sack with us?
Krumm: You can laugh at me if you want.
Ickis: No thank you.
Pugh: Ickis, where are you going?
Ickis: To class. We got our assignments today.
Pugh: I got a better idea. What do you say you and me go above ground for a scare?
Ickis: Above ground?
Pugh: Yeah. They teach you the way above ground in there don't they?
Ickis: It's dangerous you know.
Pugh: You saying I'm no Tough enough?
Ickis: No no no, you're very tough. It's just that up there, Things are different.
Pugh: Well, if you'd rather Go in there Where they Laugh at you
Pugh: So this is the way up.
Ickis: Before you go, did you fill your breathing sack?
Pugh: Sure yeah right. I already filled it.
Ickis: Okay. Well let's go.
Pugh: It's cramped in here.
Ickis: Don't sorry. We're just about there. Come on!
Pugh: I can't get though that.
Ickis: Sure you can. I'll help you. J-just relax yourself. Think of sludge.
[They enter a kitchen]
Pugh: I can do it myself.
Ickis: This guy looks ripe for a scare.
Pugh: Ha! I didn't come all this way to let you do the scare. Sit back and take notes, School boy.
Ickis: Good scare.
Pugh: Good scare? Try great scare. That guy was terrified. I can't believe you waste all that time in that school when it's easy.
Ickis: Where are you going? The exits though here remember?
Pugh: Exit? Are you nuts? This guy is terrified. I'm gonna give him another.
Ickis: Well you can't!
Pugh: What do you mean I can't?
Ickis: You're only supposed to scare him once. Then they're never sure what they saw.
Pugh: Hold on there. I think I get it. If I scare 'em once, they'll Be scared for life 'Cause they don' know what hit 'em. But scare 'em twice, they start figuring out what we are, we're in big trouble!
Ickis: Yes! Yes exactly!
Pugh: Who cares?
Ickis: No.
[Terrfied, Ickis watched as Pugh tries to give another scare. But suddenly he started gasping for air.]
Pugh: I can't...
Ickis: [worried] You didn't fill you're sac, did you? We got to get out of here.
Jacques: They're inside ze kitchen.
Woman: We'll see about that.
Pugh: Go on without me. I won't talk. Unless they threaten to hurt me. Then I'll probably Tell them everything.
Ickis: I can't just leave you here.
Ickis: Shhh!
Woman: Monsters, huh? Jac-ques, dropping a cake is no reason to make up stories.
Jacques: It is Jacques, Jacques! I am telling you, I saw it!
Woman: Sure you did. Look, I've go A catering hall to run. Call me when the martians land.
Pugh: Help me. I'm not gonna make it.
Jacques: I'm telling you, There was a thing.
Ickis: Hang on.
[Ickis jumps into the trash can. ]
Man: Did you check the supply room?
Jacques: No.
[Ickis breathes in one of the trash as his sac inflates. He swallows it up and squeezes his body back to his normal body. He returns inside the pot where he gave his sac to Pugh.]
Woman: I don't mean to interrupt you monster hunt, but weddings are so much nicer with a cake!
Pugh: What's with the tone?
Ickis: From the snorching. I can't get it out of my head. I guess I had it coming, but I still can't figure out How the Gromble knew everything.
Pugh: Well. I took your advice and I went to see him. He threw me into that machine. Saw the whole thing.
Ickis: What did he say?
Pugh: Class starts promptly at midnight and I better no miss even one.
Ickis: Class? He let you in? Here?
Pugh: Yeah. He said I had Real potential.
Ickis: This is great! We can study together
Pugh: Uh, can't, detention.
Ickis: How about tomorrow?
Pugh: A snorchin.
Ickis: Next week?
Pugh: Detention, a snorching And a walk through A field of daisies.
Ickis: That daisy thing is tough.
Pugh: Yeah, but it'll be worth it.
Ickis: Yeah. Well, I better get going. I got studying to do.
Pugh: Sure okay. Ickis.
Ickis: Yeah?
Pugh: Thanks for everything you did for me up there. You're a tough little guy.
Ickis: It was nothing. See you in class.
Pugh: In class yeah. I like the sound of that.